“In this short period since the seminar I have worked on eight different patients and have had phenomenal success: one was a man who had a kidney transplant and arrived the first day with a walking aid, four sessions later he did not require crutches or the walking aid and his pains had ceased.”
“Thank you very much for your help, care and teachings. It was an amazing experience for a person with an scientific background. I discovered a brand new world. Excellent practical learning… The approach towards bioenergy aspect of this seminar was very refreshing. It’s amazing how natural I felt after practicing some of the protocols. I hope to apply as many of these principles given as possible and wish that the rest of world could and would listen to Mr. Domancic message and apply his amazing method in home to help family, relatives and all people in need"
“The course is not only about learning about the method, it is about learning about yourself: I got confronted with my past and present and it made me think about future plans. The course is like a detox retreat.”
"The experience lived there has exceeded my expectations in many aspects. I have confirmed by myself the flow of healing energy in the therapy room and during our own practice. I have just returning home after spending some days with some relatives, I have practiced the inmune system protocol on two persons and also on their dogs, everybody got very relaxed and one of the person slept all the night through and had very revealing dreams. In normal circumstances this person would not sleep well during the night."
“I came away from the seminar with the feeling that I had found my own people and with the conviction that this is what I was born to do. When I do the therapy to someone I feel really happy, in fact I haven't felt this good in years…”
"Unlike other participants who came from "soft" sciences I came from a hard scientific background, and over 6 years was taught to only believe in what I could see. If I did not see how the therapy worked, it was hard to believe. BUT I WAS OVERWHELMED HOW THIS THERAPY WORKED INSTANTLY!!! it was hard for me to believe it, but I saw it with my own eyes."
"Many thanks for all your help and assistance during the two seminars in June. I must say that I really enjoyed every single minute of all workshops and all talks. I have had some profound awakenings and realizations during the two weeks in Bled. The whole experience had a transformational effect on me and I am so grateful to you and Master Domancic, and all the others who presented the seminar so professionally and efficiently"
"A big thank you to Mr. Domancic for creating this method. The results on my patients are phenomenal. I'm grateful for everything I have learned and absolutely delighted to hear about the results. I'm still not sure who feels the most excitement patient or therapist. And I have to admit I feel like floating when I hear of the results of my patients. So again, THANK YOU!"
"It is impossible to describe how much I got from the Domancic Seminar in Slovenia! I took 30 pages notes! The knowledge was amazing. And - when you witness the people, who come for treatment from all over the world - you live the Clinic so thrilled! You have confidence in the Method. You know it works, 'cause you've seen people walking off wheel-chairs, children being healed, people getting better - just over four days! You can talk to the patients how they feel before the sessions and after. And - above everything - you get to meet Zdenko and his therapists. When they are treating people, we students were sited all around the clinic and observing we felt how the Energy works - in our bodies. It was very cleansing for us as well. Life-changing experience. I will definitely go there again."
"I am a business-woman, not a 'healer'" - I thought to myself before I took Domancic Method training. But a friend invited me a long with the group, so I went. And - there something turned inside me. I was always into spirituality and personal development, always open to alternative methods and therapies, but now - I find myself practicing one! Being in Slovenia has changed me. When Mr. Domancic and the other therapists treated people, I felt the energy running through my body. I have received a lot of treatments there myself too - during the training. Then - upon returning - I have been cleansing for over a month. I have felt symptoms of cleanse in my body and also witnessed a lot of changes in my personal, professional life. It was challenging, but now - I am full speed unto a new direction in life. I still continue my professional career. In fact - just got a better job! But - in my free time, I treat my family, my friends and getting amazing results."
“I came away from the bioenergy healing seminar with the feeling that I had found my own people and with the conviction that this is what I was born to do. When I do the therapy to someone I feel really happy, in fact I haven't felt this good in years…”